Cargo starting and tank bottom samples are described in section 3.16.
In some cases, it is advisable to take bottom samples even when not
required by the shore terminal. Bottom samples should be taken when
one to two meters of cargo is in the tank, to retain proof of the quality
of the cargo at that point in the loading. It is also advisable to take
additional samples from the loading manifold following any shore interruption
of loading.
3.28.1 Composite samplers
If the ship or dock is fitted with a composite sampler, the chief officer
and independent petroleum inspector must attend the opening of the (sealed)
sampler cabinet, removal and sealing of the sample container(s) and
labelling of the sample. The chief officer should note any apparent
irregularities in the sample or sampler operation.
3.28.2 Tank samples after loading
Cargo tanks should be sampled at top (1/6 depth), middle (3/6 depth),
and bottom (5/6 depth). It is not unusual for a case of sample bottles
to be consumed in this process, so the ship should be well supplied
with them. For some crudes, an average (running tank) sample may be
sufficient. Follow the owner's sampling instructions.
Sampling should be witnessed by a ship's officer, who should sign any
labels affixed to sealed samples retained by the terminal or consigned
to the shipper. Under no circumstances should sample labels be signed
and handed over to the sampling crew for application 'after the bottles
have been cleaned up'. Should the cargo surveyor refuse to jointly seal
and mark the samples, an entry to that effect should be made in the
deck logbook and the master should submit a protest regarding the refusal.
Samples drawn by the independent inspector are for the inspector, shipper
and consignee/receivers. If the ship wishes to retain a sample for their
own purposes, the chief officer must persuade the independent inspector
to draw a fourth sample, or else have the crew draw a sample.
Because of the size of cargo tanks and the fact that the samples may
be drawn from only one location, ship tank samples will never be as
representative of the cargo as a sample obtained by a properly functioning
automatic or composite sampling unit.
3.28.3 Sampling IGS vessels
On crude carriers and other inerted vessels, tank samples should be
drawn through vapour lock fittings, without reducing IGS pressure. If
suitable vapour locks are not fitted, then the IGS pressure may be
reduced to a minimum and tanks sampled one at a time, under close supervision,
with the ullage hatches being closed tight immediately after. Advise
the engine control room to be prepared to top up the IGS pressure as
soon as sampling is completed.
3.28.4 Sample labels
The labels on sample containers should include, at a minimum:
- Vessel's name, date and port.
- Sample container seal number.
- Cargo name and other description.
- Cargo destination and shipper.
- Sampling witness names.
- Sample quantity.
- Tank number.
- Tank ullage and temperature.
- Sample type:
• Manifold.
• Bottom sample.
• Composite (automatic).
• Top/middle/bottom/running.
A record book should be maintained of all samples taken.
3.28.5 Storage
Cargo samples should be stored in a cool, well ventilated space, away
from light. The space must be protected by a fixed fire extinguishing
Samples should be retained for one year after the discharge of the cargo
if no protest of contamination is received in that time. If a protest
of contamination is received, owners must immediately instruct the vessel
to remove the corresponding samples to locked, fire-protected storage
until they are shipped to the designated testing laboratory.